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Fun with Metalsmithing: Hammer, Saw, File And Polish Your Distinctive Copper Creation
1.5-hour | $30 (U.P. $150)

Hands-on Workshop

1.5-hour Evening Session Conducted Exclusively At the National Design Centre

Do you have a love for tools and hands-on creation? If you do, then this unique workshop is perfect for you! You’ll learn the intricacies of cutting, roll-printing, drilling, and filing a piece of copper using various tools and traditional techniques that have been in use for thousands of years

With the support of the Design Singapore Council, JDMIS is conducting this 1.5 hour hands-on workshop at a subsidised rate to inspire you to explore new creativity horizon. Guided by our expert instructor, you’ll design and craft your own pendant from scratch, and discover the joy of transforming a sheet of metal into a jewellery piece! At the end of this exciting workshop, take home a one-of-a-kind creation that you will be proud to wear or give as a gift!

Limited Special Price: $30 (U.P. $150)

Discover the Joy Of

Metalsmithing and the Crafting of Metal Jewellery

Instructor Tanja demonstrate metalsmithing techniques
Student practice metalsmithing
Student practice hammering jewellery
metal jewellery samples

The Instructor

Michelle Wong

From a microbiologist, Michelle ventured into jewellery crafting as a hobby but eventually wanted to turn it into a full-time career. Michelle is passionate and highly experienced in Precious Metal Arts and Fashion Jewellery Making


Picture of JDMIS jewellery graduates

Founded in 2007, the Jewellery Design and Management International School (JDMIS) is a unique school in Asia providing Jewellery Design and Management Programs. JDMIS is Singapore’s only specialized jewellery school and offers end-to-end jewellery education, which includes Professional Certificate Courses leading to Diploma and Advanced Diploma. 

JDMIS welcomes industry professionals, jewellery enthusiasts and students with a passion for jewellery to explore the world of Jewellery Design, Fabrication and Business.

15 Years of Operation

20K Participants

5,000 Certified graduates

30+ Programmes


From Past Participants

Picture of a diamond

Hands on, messy, very satisfying!

Picture of a diamond

I especially like metalsmithing. I just love to fire and shape things.

Picture of a diamond

I think the thrill of learning metalsmithing techniques for the first time was my best experience. (JDMIS is) the best place to take a course. You will not be disappointed.

Picture of a diamond

I am very inspired to continue metalsmithing and learning more at JDMIS because I had a fantastic instructor.

Experience the Fun of Metalsmithing

Limited Seats Available
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