Course Learning Sequence

Welcome aboard JDMIS’ Classical Jewellery Design 200 (JD200) Certification Programme! As you step into this enriching journey, you’ll unlock access to all six unique asynchronous eLearning modules designed for self-study. To maximize the benefits of our live sessions with expert instructors, we strongly recommend exploring the corresponding eLearning module prior.  

If you have enrolled in the Blended Learning format, your live session will take place in-class at JDMIS campus, while for Remote Live format, the live session is online. Lastly, for those who enrolled in Self-paced Online, you can take the course at your leisure without any time live or scheduled live session and submit your assignments whenever you are ready. 

Please refer to the table below for the detailed break-down of the respective eLearning module(s) to go through before each live class:

Picture of instructor Tanja Sadow teaching students in her jewellery class
Prerequisite eLearningLive Class (in-person or online)
JD200 MODULE 1 &
First class
JD200 MODULE 3Second class
JD200 MODULE 4Third class
JD200 MODULE 5Fourth class
JD200 MODULE 6Final class
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