• Smart Strategies and Cheat Sheet for First-Time Gem Buyers

    Smart Strategies and Cheat Sheet for First-Time Gem Buyers

    Venturing into your first gem fair or shopping trip can feel like stepping into a dazzling yet bewildering world. With rows upon rows of sparkling prospects, how do you ensure that you’re making wise choices and not falling prey to overpriced or counterfeit gems? This cheat sheet made by Tanja Sadow, Founder of JDMIS and…

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  • Cultured, Natural, or Fake: A Jeweller’s Guide to Specialty Pearls and Pearl Imitations

    Cultured, Natural, or Fake: A Jeweller’s Guide to Specialty Pearls and Pearl Imitations

    In the intricate world of jewellery design and artistry, pearls stand out as symbols of elegance and sophistication. Understanding the various types of pearls, including keshi, conk, and Melo Melo, and their distinct characteristics is important for designers aiming to infuse authenticity and innovation into their creations. This article delves deep into the realm of…

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  • Pearl Origins and Differences: A Comprehensive Guide 

    Pearl Origins and Differences: A Comprehensive Guide 

    In the ever-evolving world of jewellery design, staying ahead of the curve means understanding not just the craft, but the very essence of materials you work with. For aspiring jewellery designers and entrepreneurs eager to make their mark, pearls offer a realm of possibility unlike any other gemstone. I’m Tanja Sadow, Dean of the Jewellery Design…

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  • The Evolution and Artistry of Jewellery Design: A Comprehensive Guide

    The Evolution and Artistry of Jewellery Design: A Comprehensive Guide

    For an aspiring jewellery designer or artist, while it’s important to master basic drawing and creativity techniques, to truly excel in the craft, one must delve deep into the history and evolution of adornment to draw inspiration from the past to innovate for the future. In this comprehensive exploration, we’ll trace the intricate history of…

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